The Agastya Jeeva Naadi indicates the trends and directions that can be altered either by divine or by the human will, by way of prayers and pujas, by persuading the God's.
As such the natives General Chapter and other matters related to the love/matrimony life and remedies are predicted here.
The good and bad which you enjoy during the present period of janma (This birth) is brought forward from your purva karma (Past life) and to have a good life during the rest of the present life period and to have a nice opening in the next birth also, all you have to do is do the prayers and it will bring you the ultimate positive happenings and that is the punya which you will be taking with you to the next birth.
As such the native is hearing the Agastya Jeeva Naadi predictions during his 48 th year running and before going in to the predictions, the planetary position of the native's chart is explained here.
According to the chart, Saturn has taken seat in lagnam/ascending sign, Sun and Venus in Meenam, Moon, Mercury and Kethu in Mesha, Mangal in Vrishaba, Guru in Kanni and Raghu in Libra and the star is Aswini and Lagnam is Vrischika and during the mentioned period the native has been born and the natives predictions are hereby narrated.
The general chapter gives the precise position of the planets and predictions of the native and also goes into the details of the momentary planetary transit position.
The native is ambitious and aspiring, active, energetic and forceful and a practical man. Has a strong physical temperament and likes own independence and will enjoy the material comforts and physical pleasures. Frank and truthful. Will have importance everywhere. You will face the obstacles and will be daring and will be able to act swiftly in the time of emergencies. Anxious to learn and gain all the knowledge and information available. In the later stages of his life there will be progress in the field of mental and intellectual activities.
You will have enough money at the times of need and will earn and spend freely. Will aspire for fame and prominence as well as for the authority and power. You will be able to serve under others exercising great tact and skill and win their favour and also you yourself have the capacity for having practical action and enterprise of your own in the days of the Raghu dasa and the period from the age of 51 running, will be more interesting as a lot of new changes will take shape and also in respect of your love affairs, however there are some blocks to the upliftment of your happy goings, this has to be removed by the way of remedies and the details will be predicted during the predictions at the right stage.
The early part of your life period will be mostly a mixture of good and bad, but out of that the bad will be more than the good part, even then, you will be having some success by virtue of your personality and by the capacity of your practical actions. You will have sufficient measure of self-control, strength of character and ability to influence others and will overcome antagonistic surroundings and enemies.
The present period is not favourable to you, but at the same time and after the pariharam/performance of remedies and chanting of the sacred divine words, then you will find miraculous solutions and ways, and come to enjoy a more comfortable life and a change of love and partner will be fulfilled.
While going round into the destiny of the native, there is some problems and difficulties and at certain periods in the course of your life and career, you will not have much advancement as you feel you have what you have deserved. In total, the life of marriage, love affairs or friendships with girls, will be miserable and you will be broken into pieces in that respect due to the planetary effects of Mangal/Mars in the seventh house and the lord of the seventh house Venus has taken seat in the purva karma place, that is fifth house, joined and under the impact of the planet Sun and also Saturn is aspecting Mars, therefore and moreover you will have more than three affairs with females in your life and during your age/period of 51, 52 and 53 years running, you are destined to have a new relationship/love affair and this will be a period of much happiness and you will come to enjoy the matrimonial part of life with this new Lady association and this relationship will at same time give you the love and marriage. This is a fourth woman in your life and you will see it come to happen in practice.
You will have a life of struggle but you should not give up as the success in your life comes through struggles. At times you will be hasty and hot headed if things do not come up to your expectations. Some times your behaviour will be just like fire in eruption.
You will have a habitual hopefulness and tendency to take up everything in the attempts with great enthusiasm, but at the same time liable to drop them again before they have come to anything.
You have been advised to be firm at all cost and keep going until your goal is touched. Otherwise your energies will be wasted and chances of excess of nervous and mental unbalance, which again will create violent exertions and outburst of angers.
According to the planets, then you will come cross ailments and suffer in respect of diseases connected with face, brain, head, knees, bones and also in the secret parts and also you will have operations in the body.
As such the native has to be more careful for the next twenty months, after that it is the period of rising in respect of his wishes.
As of now according to the transit of planets, at present it is the Arthasthama Saturn period,- that is Saturn is in the fourth house and Jupiter is in the sixth house and more over the native has been affected by Poorva Sarpa Dosham and also having a strong Mangal Dosham/Mars defect and according to the present period, during the age of 48, 49 and 50 running, due to the impact of the influence of the malefic planets and the Poorva Dosham (previous life's acts and deeds) the native will have the experiences of untimely happenings in the personal and family life, suffering in body and mind, trouble through a dangerous woman, danger from thefts and snakes or food poison, and also some kind of malefic effects of the planets, will affect the native and there will be disturbance in the family life, and especially in respect of the present wife/woman, all this will not be cordial and there will be distrust and quarrels in the family and the native will be going through much upset due to all the happenings.
To have a fine and good future, you has to remove the Poorva Sarpa and Mangal Dosham and by that you will be able to come out from the Sarpa, Papa, Rona Vimochanam and for that you is advised to perform the Sarpa, Mangal, Sani Pariharam puja and the Swayamvara Parvathi Japa Homam, by the Pariharam, this will result in relief, domestically, socially and financially, and the period of bad will be overcome and then you will have a bright periods during the coming period.
The future aspects connected to the new love affair, will have a good development and also you will find a refresh or a new leaf of life in this development and also there are chances as predicted for another love affair/marriage and during the period of 51, 52, and 53 of age running (50, 51 and 52) it will work good for you a lot and not only that, even after your 60 years (59) of age you will find good opportunities and more over, you will do a lot achievements during the period as per your chart and the periods 55 and 56 (54 and 55) will also be favourable, however you will have to make some efforts for a change of the domestic situation during the said period.
The thing in respect of the love affairs will be up to your desire/wish, it is because Guru/Jupiter is influencing the planet Mars and also is aspecting the lord of the seventh house Venus, who is in an exalted position and seated along with the Sun and therefore you will come across a fine working women in your life and with her enjoy the parapnelia of luxury and sexual and loveable pleasures and it is all there in your future. All the difficult years of the past is the work of your destiny and the coming period will bring the changes and after the pariharam/remedies is performed, some sacred words (Mantras) will be given to you and you have to chant it with faith and you will have great changes in your life and we bless you with good health and longevity and with a happy domestic life.
The recommended remedies to perform are Sarpa, Mangal, Sani Parihara puja and Swayamvara Parvathi japa Homam.
Example of AGASTYA JEEVA NAADI (1st kandam)
Name :
Date of birth 25.11.1923
Om Sri Ganeshaya Namaha
Om Sri Navaratna Kanaka Durgambika Namaha
Prey for Calmness and Peace
Prey for Light and Wisdom
Prey for The guidance of God
Prey for the Life Eternal
First prayer to Lord Ganesha.
There are several births in this world, from the small
ants to the big elephant. Apart from all these, the human
birth is the most auspicious ones. According to the deeds
committed in earlier births, we are supposed to have good
and bad results in the present life time. Now Agastya Jeeva
Naadi reveals the prediction as also predicts the pitfalls
if any.
As such this native is being born in the year Ruthroth
Kari, in the sixth year in the Jovian cycle, month Scorpio,
tenth day, Sunday, in Mrigasira star, Vrishaba sign and
the lagnam is in Thulam.
As such the Jeeva Naadi now speaks about the planetary
position in your horoscope. Mars and Saturn in Libra in
your first house, Sun Mercury, Guru and Venus are joined
together in Scorpio, Kethu is in Aquarius, Moon in Taurus,
Raghu in Leo. As such you have been born with these planetary
These positions is due to your Poorvapunya and you have
been blessed by God to enjoy plenty of wealth and education.
Will have large face and thigh, playful gait, generous in
giving, like to speak the truth and will try to keep up
your commitments. Will have more daughters than sons.
You will have more than one marriage and family life. By
way of many kinds of efforts you will earn money. You will
have a good appetite and be of a forgiving nature.
The middle and last part of your life are happier that
the first part. You are clever in purchase and sales. You
are under the influence of your wife and woman.
Suffers ill health during childhood.
Is very intelligent, daring and chivalrous. Will be learned
and earn well. Fond of traveling and you will be heading
an institution of education.
You are sensuous and much inclined to pleasures of the
Occupies an equally eminent position, lucky in respect
of wife but married more than once.
Has a host of good qualities, enjoys luxurious, paraphernalia,
extravagant expenditure and is respected by the people of
the towns and cities, clans and assemblage of people.
You will be very active, even in old age you will appear
very young. Will have plenty of wealth but a part of it
appropriated by the Government.
You are well mannered and a gentleman, very agreeable,
sweet speech, well up in arts and you will enjoy the life
til the last moment.
A good fighter in the sphere of your work. Gains from open
as well as the hidden sources. Impairs the power of the
hearing – hard of hearing – having some ear problems.
Whatever endeavor you undertake it will be appreciated
by others. You will get money through speculation and by
way of pensions also. Fond of children.
Will have the capacity of speaking the outcome of the future,
he have that capacity.
He will own houses and vehicles and love his coborns. A
little bit of a wavery mind. Whatever work you undertake
you will see that it is of high caliber. You will come across
several changes in your career.
You will have a good companion of the other sex till your
last breath.
You are a good teacher and you will be popular and attracted
by others.
Whatever you think you will try to do it.
You will have a good span of life and be helpful to your
relations. Interest in technical, philosophical, intellectual
books and involvement in to these areas also.
Have the capacity of presenting the views which others
will appreciate and oblige. Technical knowledge of grasping
mind. You will be benefited by way of exchanging views and
also through sea, air ie. Import and export and your first
child will be a daughter.
It will be difficult for others to understand your plans.
No one can win over you by way of speech. You will have
good money rotation and also permanent income till you leave
this world and also you will keep something to your children.
According to the circumstances you will have good respect
within your family, social status in the way of educational
services and the last part of your life you have to be in
the line of philosophy and that is your purpose until your
last days.
You will be much interested in the entertainment line.
Will be stubborn in your activities. Even though you have
some kind of mistakes on your part you will try to expose
the mistakes of others and enlarge it, others will think
like that.
Your children will have a good position in their life but
the relationship between yourself and your children will
not be smooth full. Whatever work you undertake, even if
it is easy one, it will take a long route, meaning long
time with obstacles and with great hardship. The result
will be favorable and you will achieve the goals at last.
Even after your 70th year without any dishearten, like
a young man you will work and achieve rare things and bring
credit to your side. Persons who receive help from you will
not always be grateful to you after receiving your help.
As per the planetary position in your chart you may suffer
health problems in respect of ears, eyes, mouth, chronic,
stomach troubles, troubles in private parts (Anus), and
diabetes or sugar problems.
You will be associated in your life in the careers connected
with researches, education, teachings, in the line of arts,
advertising and journalism and will write articles. Also
you can invest in respect of sea food products, transport,
watery products, textiles and also in the line of documentaries.
Saturdays are favorable and white and green colors are
good. Diamond and the number 6 is lucky for you.
As such you are hearing these prediction during your Mercury
dasa and Jupiter sub period, balance is six months and twenty-five
As per the present dasa is concerned, then he is auspicious
to you and Mercury has taken a seat in your second house
and moreover this Mercury dasa will run for you till your
74 year.
But during the end of 1995, when the planet Jupiter transit
in the eight place from your Moon, because of that there
is possibilities of having serious health problems.
Up to the end of 1996 this transit of Jupiter will in your
eight house. As such it is better to be vigilant in your
health matters and you have been advised to perform the
pooja to please the Graha Jupiter, which will protect and
take you to a good health position and also you will have
gains from friends through publication acting as a middle
man or by writing and traveling and also domestic/partner/love
happiness will prevail.
Your business deals will be successful. There will be an
increase in your intelligence and learning and you will
gain name and fame.
As far as special task is concerned it is the right time
to develop higher learning of spirituality and occult studies.
Till your 74th year it will be a good period for you. After
that Kethu dasa is coming for you and it will run for seven
years up to your 81st year, however this dasa is an inauspicious
period for you and Kethu is in a weak position, so there
will be trouble in your family and enmity from people, mental
distress, depletion of wealth, illness to your self, wife
and children. In the same period you will become more and
more inclined in to the Divine matters. Also some danger
to your longevity is seen in this period, if you are able
to overcome the dangerous period in Kethu dasa, then you
will have a good span of life and then attain the feet of
God around the age of 87 year.
As you are requesting to know about some world events too,
these are hereby predicted also.
As far as the great catastrophes are concerned in the near
future or millennium year 2000 A.D. Then there will be a
lot of political turmoil and civil wars in Asia and African
Countries and also several religious cults will emerge as
an extremist or terrorist groups.
Also there will be severe natural calamities which will
occur in the Pacific Region, seismic disturbance and volcanic
eruptions likely in Japan, Indonesia and also painful happenings
in western Asia.
Also disintegration of big nations and all together this
present KaliYuga will make a way in the beginning of the
year 2000 A.D. with a lot of growing unfavorable to the
As such we ends this reading, wishing you a happy, long,
peaceful, wealthy and healthy life.
Om Shri Maha Ganapathy Thunai
Om Muruga Thunai
1st Kandam
I humbly surrender myself to Lord Muruga, who stands between His consorts Valli and Deivanai and bless us all with a good and happy life. As I offer my prayers I am herewith ready to read the readings of Mr. N. through my reader Shri Baskar.
You Mr. N. have been born on a Tuesday, the 20 th Panguni month and Dhurmuki year with Bharani - as your Janma Star: Mesha – as your Janma Rasi, Vrischika – as your Janma Lagnam.
Using your thumb prints that belong to Kamala Vari Sanka Rekai – Pulli– 3, through which I am able to locate the right Olai leaf of yours and that reads as follows:
You are born in a Christian family where you'll have 2 elder siblings and you will be the 3 rd son. Looking into your planetary positions, I could see that Sun and Sukra is in Meenam, Chandra, Buddha and Kethu in Mesha, Mars in Vrishaba, Guru in Kanya, Raghu in Thula and Sani in Vrischika.
Being the 3rd child in your family, you seem to be well talented though but you will only have an education up to a certain level and not very high. You would like to lead a happy married life but presently it seems that you have not yet married but are living with a woman.
Your health is not found to be good and you might find it difficult to work on your own. You might be depending on others for your daily needs and seem to have been worrying a lot for over a long time.
You will have had an affair with a woman for quiet a long time but lately more and more wished to be away from her and her relations. Over a period 14-18 years you will have spent your life with her, and have gained nothing. There will have been some occasions that the lady also along with your self will not be interested to keep up this relationship and intact, that is also one of the reasons for you to make a move towards your Naadi reading, to seek answers and guidance.
Over these few months, a lot of thinking would have been going on within you, leaving you all alone in the world of confusions. You might have leaded a life that is absolutely meaningless. This is mainly because of the Graha Doshas (Defects of planets) plus the Karma Dosha (Past life's bad deeds). I am advising you to have your parihar's read at Shanti and Deeksha Kandam.
You will have had a steady rise on the medical expenses more recently. Now at your 48 year (47 year), you are likely to loose a lot of material things and might feel the bitterness within the family and in the relationship with the above mentioned woman.
By the year 49 – 50 (48 – 49), you might come/develop in contact with a new love affair that may turn into love and remain for some years.
Looking into your horoscope, we find no further chances in your life for a legal marriage settlement with a lady. But you will be able to lead a normal life with a woman you love and that person fulfils your basic needs, this will happen in future.
Between your 51 – 54 year, you will have a great turning point in your life.
Between your 55 – 59 year, you will get the best and valuable things needed for a life and you seem to start with a fresh new life. Here, once again change is indicated in the family affairs. You might change into a new house, or to a new location. Chances are seen that you'll find yet another person, with whom you may try to build up the trust.
Between your 60 – 63 year you are likely to have a life threatening situation and you should be very cautious about whom you deal with. By offering few parihar's/remedies you might overcome this situation and stay ahead, to live happily.
Wishing you a Happy and Healthy life!
Mr. N.
(4 th Kandam)
By worshipping the lotus feet of Goddess Parvathi – I Agasthya read the 4 th kandam for Mr. N. through my reader.
You Mr. N. is now aged 48 running. So far in your life you might not have gone for any permanent work, many changes will have been there and ups and downs. You might have no fixed income except supports from others externally, government and others etc. You might be depending on this support and would to some extent only have been making your living also. You health is found very bad with the result, that you have the disability, so that you are not able to go for a regular work.
The reasons for having a very bad health are mainly due to your sins which you might have done in your birth earlier. That is the reason for your sufferings in this birth. Your parents will not be living along with you, leading a normal life.
Looking into your horoscope, Jupiter is found to be hidden in the 6 th house from Moon, which indicates, diseases, fear, increased debts and other negative factors. You'll have a lot of confusion, disorders in your health, character etc., Very frequently you seem to change your mind and impression on others, which will leave you in a very desperate situation/motion. Also you might be suffering with eye defects more recently.
Your parents also might have been affected by illness and in general, the medical expenses at home will surely be quiet high.
Very soon, you are likely to live away from your present wife/partner, who also intends to live separately away from you and your family.
Between your 49 – 50 year, you are likely to find a new soul mate, who will step in to your life as a wife. However, you will not marry her but you would like to live with her and you will live together like husband and wife. Through her, you are likely to possess good luck, which will make your life more comfortable. The luck is similar to an opportunity of you winning a lotto/lottery/competition etc., your health problems might improve slightly also.
By 51 – Your life takes a smooth move, while you need to take care on the health of your Mum.
Between your 52 – 56 year, you might enjoy the best moments in your life as you have ever dreamed, and at this period you will go in for a new house (change in living place) also. You will then own a house and vehicles on your own, especially in this period. All this might go well, once the new wife/woman steps in to your life.
While you lead an independent life, be cautious to take care on the health of your stepfather which will worsen at this time.
I would advise you to seek the Parihar's indicated in your Shanti & Deeksha Kandams and thereafter, you will be living a new life, which you will have been dreaming about often.
Wishing you a Happy and a Healthy life!
Mr. N.
(11 th Kandam)
By worshipping the feet of Lord Shiva, who has given half of his body to Goddess Parvathi, I Agasthya Maharshi read the 11th Kandam of Mr. N. through my reader.
You Mr. N. are born with Vrischika Lagnam, Mesha Rasi and Bharani Star and now you are 48 running.
At this age you might not be working or earning much in any aspects. All your living is going on only with an external support. Your health is not good and might not permit you to work properly.
You might be leading a marriage life but you have not married the woman you are living with. You will have been living with that person for more than 15-18 years. You would have enjoyed a lot and might have been engaged in that relationship to satisfy your lust.
Initially you would have loved her and might have considered her as your wife, who is well known to all. Over the last few years, you would have absorbed the major changes towards her affection on you. Over a period of time also, you will have had difference of opinions, misunderstandings and above all, you will have thought seriously of getting separated from her.
You are by now after a long time ready to change your life path and you wish to have and marry a new lady to take care of you and to live along with you. Legal marriage might not happen, however there are good chances of finding a ‘soul mate' who will be interested to live with you for quiet some time.
Between your 49 – 50 year, you will be meeting that ‘Lady with Luck'. The luck that is indicated, will be quiet similar to that of your winning in the lotto's/lottery/competition etc., and it is this kind of luck, which is going to open op the lovely doors of opportunities for you. You might also get an opportunity to start a business on your own. And through this business, the profits scores will usually be quiet high, to elevate your life further.
Looking into your business opportunities, you are likely to get more benefits and profits through dairy products such as milk and milk products, Hotels & Snack Bars, Garden Seeds and Plants.
Remember, this is the period for you to have a great turning point in your life.
Looking on to the new Lady side, she will not be related to you in any way. She might be residing at a far-off place especially from the North & North East areas from where you live now. You may be meeting her at any shopping/travel/hospital/market areas (public places). She is seen to live in a more natural place like a developed village. She might be the 3 rd child in her family.
She might be having own house where she lives and also having a good family and gains multiple supports. She might be earning her income through farm based products and live-stock.
She would be intelligent and commanding. She is likely to have Buddha + Sukra + Surya placed next to each other. She might give birth to 1 male and 2 female babies in the future or such numbers of children already is born.
Your health might get improved to a better stage, once your new ‘wife' is seen joining you in your life.
You might ask me as how all these would happen to you, for which I advise that it is through the ‘Parihar's'/remedies quoted in your Shanti & Deeksha Kandams.
May the Lord bless you with good health, luck and other comforts in your life.
Subham |