Kim Paisol
Lojerthusvej 22, 3630 Jaegerspris , Denmark
Phone: 0045 39652578
Payment through:
Danske Bank , Denmark
Registration No. 3183
Account No. 2890227379
Swifcode No. Dabadkkk
Ibancode No. Dk883000 + Account No 2890227379
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We are engaged in developing or connecting to different kinds of project's favoring children, the combined inner development with education, foster home, hospitals, spirituality, so also in due time these children, hopefully may wish to continue involve them self in services for a better world seeing God in all and everywhere.
All receiving a reading or making use of our services, one way or the other, will contribute to this development and projects.
Our goal is to reach out there and help as many as possible.
We may at different times suggest anyone asking for our
services, to visit or join different kinds of organizations
or persons, whom we is seeing doing some important services
to mankind, for instance if a client is in search of some
spiritual guidance, or having a wish to get one self involved
with some children's projects etc. etc. then one could
visit the Ashrams of all kinds of religious beleifs or
any one with a pure wish of trying to help and develop
the best within and the world around us.
It is also our wish - every month during full Moon - to convey the Grace and Blessings of Saint Agastya, Saint Bhriguji, the Siddhars and Lord Shiva, through a monthly reading/message, addressing the world or countries or persons as will come forward by the Grace of the Lord.
Blessings |